Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nov. 30th


We all had a nice Thanksgiving with Tim, Sam all of our family and my sister Trish her husband Jeff and their son Blaze who is home from college. My sister Trish and family moved to Greybull, WY this past summer. It's great to have them close by.

Just a quick note since my last message. Because hay prices are high this season we have decided to go to plan "B" this year. We have all the calves weaned plus all the larger calves sold too. Calf prices this season were down which helped us with our plan "B" change. Most of what remained on Crooked Creek "home place" were the cows. This season Hip decided to drive the cows back to the Robinson Place. We have quite a bit of excess feed there and it will surly save on hay this winter. We drove the cows back about a week and a half ago. Ken McNabb along with his family and some friends and also my brother in-law Jeff came to help out. Today Hip and Tim drove over to the Robinson Place and Deadman to check on how the cows are doing. We have also taken the small weaned calves that were to small to sell to pasture on the Shoshone River. It has very good
feed and the calves will do real well there plus they will be easy to keep an eye on and feed when necessary.

Earlier Dez, Sara drove all the horses from Lone Wolf down to the river below Deadman I went with them and helped too. We also got all the cattle off Lone Wolf as well. This past week Dez gathered the mares on the Big Horn River and drove them to Deadman corrals. Sam, Dez and Hip helped trailer them to the corrals at the home place on Crooked Creek. Yesterday Tim, Dez, Hip and I took three trailer loads of the grade mares to the B.L.S. horse sale. We have quite a few good registered Q.H. mares now so we need to cut the horse herd down to a more manageable and affordable size. We picked out and saved a few of our good reliable grade mares that threw good reliable off spring for our saddle horses. We'll also have some real nice breed Q.H.'s as well which will be fun and good for the herd too. This is what I have been working on the past few years with Dez's help too. During spring and summer I gental and halter break the colts so it will help make it easier to break them later on when their two and three year olds. We have quite a few foals due next spring so I'm sure it will keep life pretty awful interesting on top of calving as well. Looking forward to it!

Please keep well, I'll talk to you soon!

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