Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hi all,

"Already" we're now gathering and driving home our last cow/calf pair herd for the season we just can't believe it, where has this season gone! We have been fortunate to have met some absolutely wonderful people and see once again many very dear friends returning to the ranch yearly or when it's possible to do so. It sounds like Hip, Dez, Christine, Poncho and Kathryn enjoyed all our guests and friends though out the spring, summer and fall. They had a great time working cattle and covering many a mile horse back with some of the best people in the world.

This season we enjoyed getting to know Kathryn better during her stay at the ranch while working. She's a great gal, she worked hard and she did a very good job, she's a good little rider too. Before we knew it in August she was off for her first year of college at Harvard, Good Luck Kathryn!

Dez, will continue to work for the ranch this fall. Hip really relies on Dez she is his right hand and then some. Dez will return working for Ken McNabb this winter. Dez, really enjoyed working with horses and for Ken last year. It was great for her to get away for a while and get to know new friends and family at the Diamond Ranch also Ken's family, employees and friends too. This year a huge arena has been complete at the ranch. Dez, is really excited and she's looking forward to learning and continue riding skills astride some new horses this winter and spring. Dez did well with her horses, showing them in Ken's sale last June.

Christine is a jewel we absolutely think the world of her. She has helped us a couple years now cooking. Christine's a great cook! she is a very hard worker, she knows the country and she's a good little rider too.

Poncho is a nice guy. He did a great job working for us this year too. He's really learned a lot, he's more comfortable and experienced with livestock and horses and he's turning into a good, reliable cowboy!

It's been a busy season we're so glad and thankful it has been a busy year. This year we had a few weeks that were down a bit due to the economy but most weeks were mostly filled up or full. Were already gearing up for the next 2010 season and we're very excited about it! We're very thankful we have a couple weeks almost filled and one fully booked now. It sure helps the ranch during our spring and summer season.

Sheena, is beginning to help me with bookings. She is learning, lot's to learn! and she's doing a good job so far. Sheena & Nick just had another new baby girl "Harley Lynn" she is a beautiful baby girl 6'8 ounces and 18 1/4" long. Her big sister "Payton Dawn" is going though the "big sis with drawls" at the present "poor thing"! It shouldn't take long Payton will get all of attention from her auntie Dez, nana & papa Hip real soon. During Harley's birth I was a lucky nana to have Payton for four days. Sheena is the best mother she sure hates to have Payton leave her.

Abbie, is doing well, she is such a trooper keeping busy as she loves and wouldn't have in any other way. She walks everyday and she raised a garden with veggies and flowers which kept her busy. Abbie, loves her flowers and raises some fantastic color variations in her garden! Our family really enjoys visiting with her because she is one true character you just can't replace.

Hipster, is looking at calf prices now and anticipating the fall calf sales at the moment. He is looking forward to some home time, company with friends and family and of course working all the cattle and getting them ready and organized for the winter months. This is a whole separate picture. Lots of sorting, pregnancy testing all cows, separating cows, heifers, bulls, calves, old cows and horses. We'll be driving cattle or hauling to winter pastures and separate left over non sell able smaller calves to a pasture or feed lot to feed and watched closely. We have to prepare all our equipment and winterized it mechanically ready for cold weather months. Once the feed is gone on the home place Hip will begin feeding daily though the winter. It's a big chore with about 1700 to possibly 1800 large animal mouths to feed this year. As our good friend Emil Doerr said "It Keeps Life Interesting". With that being said I'll leave with a little something to think about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loretta, well you can see what I'm up too! I do wish to thank each and everyone for your help concerning the ranch. We had a excellent season. Your visits are a wonderful help and we truly appreciate it. We're gearing up for our next 2010 season! We already have a full week and a couple getting close, so far, so good! Our family, friends and crew are already getting excited for the following 2010 season!

Have a great fall, till we meet again, keep warm and safe,

Hip, Loretta, Dez, Sheena, Abbie and the gang!

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