Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy 2011 trails!

Another year behind us and still counting. Hip has been keeping us in line we've been extremely busy this past fall and winter. Mostly we're caught up with cattle work now so that's a good thing. Dez and Poncho have been riding in Dryhead too because we're still missing 25 head of cow/calf pairs. We're also missing some horses too although we're pretty sure they will show up eventually. It's been a much colder winter with much more snow this year too. We were hit with snow quite a while before Thanksgiving which normally happens directly after. I had a bucket of wash water I let set out overnight around November 15th trying to get my outside windows washed before it was to late. Good timing alright! I was able to turn my bucket upside down to dump it however it's still looks just like my bucket! Don't worry as well you know Mr. Hip keeps us thawed out!!! : - )

Cold weather plays a huge roll in a good day verses a bad day. It stresses cattle if it lasts very many consecutive days we feed much more to keep them warm. It also very much stresses equipment as well after all it's metal and diesel gels and in turn clogging filters, etc. Here on the ranch the cattle and horses are indeed our priority. Most everyday something breaks down which is necessary to feed. Other days everything breaks down and that keeps life interesting day and night. Hip usually figures something out and with those we purchase hay and beet tailing from too. By the end of the day what ever time it seems to be the cattle are feed. Fortunately many of our cows are on winter pasture. We keep the heifer calves, smaller steer calves, bulls, horses and younger cows "first calf heifers" home to feed through the late fall and winter months. Once March rolls around all the cattle are trucked and return home to Crooked Creek to calve out. We still have cold weather in March so we hope and pray for dryer weather conditions. It can be pretty darn cold although if it's dry you have a much greater chance saving a calf. First calf heifers are a different story heifers are the main bunch that need more baby sitting then anything. They don't always produce good milk along with the old mother cows either. A good mother with good milk is everything!!! We've been breeding for that in the bulls we purchase. Our herd is much better in that respect although with large numbers calving the combination of not such good mothers, birds, weather issues, feed conditions, sickness/scours/etc. is a sure thing and in turn spreads quickly. Every year the cattle teach us more. With years chalked up, everybody helping and learning combined and Hip's true grit that's what makes us who we are and still looking forward to learning more tomorrow.

We hope that all of our dear friends who have visited the ranch have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year season. We appreciate each and everyone for helping the TX Ranch family keep our way of life.

Thank you very much and Happy 2011 trails!

1 comment:

Joash de Cabin said...

I hope in this year Texas Ranches,will be aware on it, so that this kind of trials will void.